Universitas 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Green CampusEducation and Research
- Number of Courses/Subjects Related to Sustainability Offered
- Total Research Funds Dedicated to Sustainability Research (in US Dollars)
- Total Research Funds (in US Dollars)
- Number of scholarly publications on sustainability (Examples)
- Number of Events Related to Sustainability
- Number of student organizations related to sustainability
- Number of cultural activities on campus (e.g.Cultural Festival) including virtual activities (if any)
- Number of university program(s) to cope with Covid-19 pandemic
- Number of sustainability community services project organized and/or involving students
- Number of sustainability-related startups
Total number of courses with sustainability embedded for courses running in 2021/2022 : 162
Example of Courses/Subjects Related to Sustainability (Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) | |
Course/subjects title | Notes |
Green Architecture and Infrastructure | In this course, students learn about green building theories starting from the notion of green buildings, the background of the emergence of green building scientific branches, institutions/organizations related to green buildings, aspects of green buildings, principles of green buildings and exploration of green building designs |
Universal Design | In this course, students learn about Understanding of universal design in architecture, principles of universal design, aspects/determining factors of universal design, application of universal design in building and environmental design |
Architecture ‘Tropis’ | In this course, students learn about Tropical architectural principles, forms, technology and comfort in tropical architecture, application of tropical architectural concepts |
Waste Treatment Technology | In this course, students learn about Waste treatment process and its handling, Industrial waste quality standard, Liquid waste treatment process, Physical processing, Biological Treatment process, Chemical processing, Solid waste treatment method, Urban waste management and treatment methods, Sludge handling |
Biotechnology of Plant Protection | In this course, students learn about the scope of plant protection biotechnology, the concept of the emergence of plant-disturbing organisms, types of plant-disturbing organisms including diseases, pests, weeds and viruses, pest control strategies, the role of biotechnology in pest control, biocontrol and mechanisms actions of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and rhizofungi, conventional plant breeding and hybridization techniques, plant breeding using cloning technology, development of abiotic stress-resistant plants, development of biotic stress-resistant plants, and social issues in plant protection biotechnology. |
Biodiversity and biosecurity | In this course, students learn about the scope of biodiversity, components of biodiversity, megabiodiversity in Indonesia, changes in diversity and interactions of organisms, conservation of biodiversity, scope of biosecurity, regulation of biosecurity, invasive species, safety of transgenic products and case studies related to biodiversity and biosecurity. |
Health Information System | In this course, students learn about E-Health, Telemedicine and bioinformatics |
Artificial Intelligent | In this course, students learn about Artificial Intelligence Applications in Health |
Wireless Technology | In this course, students learn about Design and architecture of IoT devices or sensors in weather detection systems |
Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2018 = 86,859.03 US Dollars
Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2019 = 93,098.28 US Dollars
Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2020 = 101,817.96 US Dollars
The averaged annum last 3 years of research fund dedicated to sustainability research = 281,775.27 US Dollars
Year | No | Research Title | Funds In Dollars |
2018/ 2019 | 1 | Father's Parenting Patterns on Child Care in Merdikorejo Village | 351.35 |
2 | Cadre Attitudes Related to Violence in Children in the Mantrijeron Community Health Center | 351.35 | |
3 | Factors Related to the Performance of Midwives in Hiv Services for Pregnant Women at the Yogyakarta City Health Center | 351.35 | |
4 | Overview of Housewives' Knowledge Level About HIV | 351.35 | |
5 | Factors Associated with Pre-Eclampsia in Pregnancy | 351.35 | |
6 | Spiritual Guidance for Mothers Facing Childbirth in Independent Practice Midwife Hani Pity Bantul Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
7 | Analysis of Hand Hygiene Implementation in the Midwifery Ward of RS Pku Muhammadiyah Kotagede | 351.35 | |
8 | Childbirth Self-Efficacy Inventory Indonesian Version: Pilot Study | 351.35 | |
9 | Overview of the Use of Maternal and Child Health (Kia) Books by Pregnant Women in the Third Trimester About Preparation for Childbirth at the Tempel I Health Center | 351.35 | |
10 | Comparison of Lauric Acid Levels in Mother's Milk (Breast Milk) and Infant Formula Milk Age 0-6 Months | 351.35 | |
11 | Factors Affecting Stunting Incidence at Godean I Health Center, Sleman, Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
12 | Postpartum Blues Incident to Postpartum Mothers at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
13 | The Relationship between Antenatal Care (ANC) Visits and the Incidence of Low Birth Weight (Bblr) Babies at Wonosari Hospital Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
14 | Influence of Perception and Behavior About Academic Integrity on Achievement of Radiology Students | 351.35 | |
15 | Analysis of Student Satisfaction on the Quality of Anesthesiology Nursing Learning Process in Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
16 | Overview of Eating Patterns and Characteristics of Young Women with Anemia at Muallimat High School Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
17 | Food Consumption Survey on Traders with Hypertension in Bantul Traditional Markets in 2018 | 351.35 | |
18 | Lacth Score And Nipple Blisters | 351.35 | |
19 | Predisposing Factors for Premature Rupture of Membranes in Hospital | 351.35 | |
20 | Mother's Experience in Exclusive Breastfeeding in Kragilan Godean Village, Sleman | 351.35 | |
21 | Relationship between BMI and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls at SMAN 2 Ngaglik, Sleman Regency | 351.35 | |
22 | Characteristics of Pregnant Women with Anemia at Pku Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital | 351.35 | |
23 | Characteristics and Handling of Bleeding in Postpartum Mothers at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Gamping | 351.35 | |
24 | The Effect of Using Humidifier With Orange Aroma on Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnant Women Tm I | 351.35 | |
25 | Study of Stimulation Characteristics of Early Detection of Growth and Development of Toddlers Age 12-60 Months In Dusun Beji Sidoarum Godean Sleman Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
26 | Antioxidant and Anthocyanin Activity in Flesh and Skin of Super Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Costaricensis) | 351.35 | |
27 | Isolation and Identification of Gram Positive Bacteria in Snack Food for School Children (Pjas) In Sleman, Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
28 | Analysis of the Social Impact of Hotel Development in the City of Yogyakarta in 2018 | 351.35 | |
29 | Study on Planning for Sustainable Environmental Impact Management in Hotel Cabin Type Buildings | 351.35 | |
30 | Model Development of the Cultural Conservation Mosque Buffer Zone Area as a Sign of the Privileges of Yogyakarta (Case Study of the Patok Negoro Ploso Kuning Mosque, Sleman) | 351.35 | |
31 | Forms of Adaptation of Space and Behavior in Prawirotaman Village, Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
32 | Accessibility of the main entrance to a modern shopping center in the city of Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
33 | Physiotherapy Health Verses | 351.35 | |
34 | Interprofessional Collaboration on Health and Quality of Inpatient Services at Pku Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital | 351.35 | |
35 | The Effectiveness of the Effect of Square Stepping Exercise on the Risk of Falling in the Elderly | 351.35 | |
36 | A Retrospective Study Injuries In Yogyakarta Badminton Players | 351.35 | |
37 | The Effectiveness of Postpartum Gymnastics on High Fundus Recovery Speed and Changes in Normal Post Partum Mother's Body Composition | 351.35 | |
38 | Self-Efficacy of Female Lecturers in Facing the Internationalization of the University of 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
39 | The Effect of Core Stability Exercise on Pain Reduction in Myofascial Low Back Pain in Batik | 351.35 | |
40 | Eating Emotions, Energy Intake and Their Relationship with Blood Sugar Levels and Obesity in Women in Pundung Hamlet | 351.35 | |
41 | The Relationship Between Exercise Routine, Diet And Socio-Economic Level With The Incidence Of Hypertension In The Elderly | 351.35 | |
42 | Factors Affecting Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Patients At Wates Hospital Kulonprogo | 351.35 | |
43 | Differences in the Effectiveness of Murrotal Therapy with Classical Music on Changes in Blood Pressure of Pregnant Women with Hypertension at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul | 351.35 | |
44 | Perceptorship Relationship With Student Knowledge In Conducting Early Assessment | 351.35 | |
45 | The Relationship between Demographic Factors and Diabetic Distress with Self Care for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients at the Kasihan II Public Health Center | 351.35 | |
46 | Overview of the Quality of Life of Cancer Patients at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
47 | Spiritual-Based Maternal Readiness Intervention Against Maternal Confident in Young Mothers in Dukun Magelang District, Central Java | 351.35 | |
48 | Evaluation of E-Learning Implementation at 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta: Study of E-Learning Readiness Model | 351.35 | |
49 | The Role of State-Owned Enterprises in Accommodating Community Needs Through CSR Activities (Case Study of Pt. Twc Borobudur, Prambanan Temple and Ratu Boko) | 351.35 | |
50 | Communication on Development of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Providing Understanding to Fish Cultivators Regarding Policies for Good Fish Cultivation (Cbib) | 351.35 | |
51 | The Effect of Pornography in Social Media on Sexual Violence Behavior in Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
52 | Analysis of the Effect of Sharia Microfinance on the Business Development of MSMEs in Sleman Regency | 351.35 | |
53 | Early Detection of Risky Pregnancy and Fetal Outcame in Kasihan I Community Health Center, Bantul Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
54 | The Effect of Education on Stimulation of the Development of Children aged 12-24 Months by Mothers at the Posyandu, Tambakrejo Village, Purworejo | 351.35 | |
55 | Determinants and Outcomes of Induction of Labor at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Kotagede | 351.35 | |
56 | Characteristics of Pregnant Women with Pre-Eclampsia at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital, Gamping Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
57 | Relationship between Education Level and Employment Status with Anxiety in Third Trimester Pregnant Women at Umbulharjo I Health Center Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
58 | Identification of Adolescent Reproductive Health Information Needs; Adolescent Perspectives Who Experience Pregnancy | 351.35 | |
59 | Impostor Syndrome as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Religiosity and Anxiety Experienced by New Students | 351.35 | |
60 | The Relationship Between Self-Concept With Diet Behavior, Body Image, Anemia Status And Adolescent Nutritional Status | 351.35 | |
Even | 61 | Design of an Expert System for Acute Rhinopharyngitis in Toddlers Based on Android Devices Using K-Nn (K-Nearest Neighbor) | 351.35 |
62 | The Effectiveness of Korsimu (Breastfeeding Mother's Oxytocin Chair) To Increase Breast Milk Production | 351.35 | |
63 | The Role of Parents in Sex Education for Elementary School Age Children in terms of Child Protection Rights | 351.35 | |
64 | Juridical Review of the Role of Public Health Center Midwives in Promoting Early Detection of Cervical Cancer | 351.35 | |
65 | Phenomenological Study of the Experience of the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Getting Family Care in the Pengasih 1 Community Health Center Kulon Progo | 351.35 | |
66 | The Relationship between Obesity and Body Image Disorders in 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta' University Students | 351.35 | |
67 | Relationship between Prolanis Implementation and Self-Care in Type II Diabetes Patients | 351.35 | |
External | 68 | Identification of Opportunities and Barriers to the Provision of Special Antenatal Care (ANC) Services for Adolescents with Unwanted Pregnancy (Ktd) in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta | 4,918.91 |
69 | Analysis of Factors Affecting Delayed Development in Children aged 12-24 Months at Yogyakarta Hospital | 941.62 | |
70 | An Android-Based Expert System Application for Diagnosis of Pregnancy Diseases Using the Fuzzy Mamdani Method | 1,228.32 | |
71 | Stability of Nutrient, Phytochemical, and Organoleptic Content of Red Dragon Fruit in the Production of Red Dragon Fruit Syrup from Kulon Progo | 1,259.59 | |
72 | The Effect of Al-Qur'an Healing With Audio Visual Methods on Pain Levels in Active Phase 1 Childbirth | 1,405.40 | |
73 | A Qualitative Study on Adolescent Care Health Services in Gunungkidul: Perspectives of Adolescents With Unwanted Pregnancy (Ktd), Adolescents Without Ktd And Health Workers | 1,405.40 | |
74 | Policy Evaluation of Child Friendly City (Kla) Yogyakarta City 2016-2018 | 1,405.40 | |
75 | Anti-Radiation Building Design: Analysis of Cement Composition And Type To Get Concrete That Is Resistant To X-Ray Radiation | 1,404.56 | |
76 | The Phenomenon of Nomophobia in Students in Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
77 | The Veil and Aurat of Women in the Literature of Al-Qur'an Interpretation in Indonesia | 1,334.08 | |
78 | Study of the Effect of Transformation of Area Functions on the Typology of Buildings in Prawirotaman Tourism Village | 1,337.94 | |
79 | The Effect of Peer Education (Peer Education) Menstrual Health on Readiness to Face Menarche Elementary School 2 Jambidan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta | 1,402.87 | |
80 | The Effect of Guava Juice on the Increase in Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnant Women | 1,403.86 | |
81 | Isolation and Identification of Bacteria that Cause Diarrhea in Snack Food for School Children (Pjas) In Sleman, Yogyakarta | 1,405.26 | |
82 | Implementation of local characters in traditional market buildings in the city of Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
83 | The Effect of Dance Pregnancy on Diastasis Recti in Pregnant Women at Bpm, Sleman Regency | 1,405.40 | |
84 | The Effect of Deep Back and Rubbing Massage on Reducing Pain Intensity and Acceleration of Cervical Opening in Maternity in Bpm, Sleman Regency | 1,405.40 | |
85 | Adolescent Reproductive Health Literacy Patterns in Yogyakarta City High School | 1,177.02 | |
86 | The Relationship between the Level of Understanding of Discharge Planning and Self Care Dm Compliance in Outpatients at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital, Bantul Yogyakarta | 1,075.13 | |
87 | Isolation And Characterization Of Endophytic Bacteria From Ciplukan Plants (Physalis Angulata L.) Potentially As Producing Antibacterial Compounds | 1,238.51 | |
88 | Factors Affecting Mother's Knowledge About Complementary Breastfeeding in Margomulyo Seyegan Sleman Yogyakarta | 1,370.27 | |
89 | Application of Pseudomonas Fluorescens Liquid Formula, Biological Control Agent of Mosaic Diseases in Cocoa Plants | 1,316.44 | |
90 | Collaborative Governance in Accelerating the Adaptation Process of MSME Actors Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in DIY Province | 1,365.91 | |
91 | Implementation of Case Reflection Discussion (Drk) on Nurse Compliance in the Application of Pain Management Spo at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
92 | Factor Analysis of Stunting Incidence in Toddlers at Piyungan Health Center Bantul Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
93 | Effectiveness Between Mobile Cadres With Hiv/Aids Video Media With Hiv/Aids Knowledge, Attitudes And Behaviors In Balecatur Village Gamping Sleman Yogyakarta | 810.21 | |
94 | Population Administration Service Innovation “Out Together List 1 Get 5” In Danurejan District, Yogyakarta City | 967.97 | |
95 | Survey on the Implementation of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in Learning English at Universities in Yogyakarta | 1,052.72 | |
96 | Development of Positive Thinking Training Module to Increase Bipolar Survivor Self-Acceptance in Yogyakarta | 1,243.78 | |
97 | The Effectiveness of Stretching With Clove Extract To Reduce Muscle Pain | 1,194.10 | |
98 | The Role of Women in Economic Development Through MSME Activities in Bantul . Regency | 1,277.44 | |
99 | Multiple Nutritional Determinants of Malnutrition in Households in Sleman Regency | 1,236.75 | |
100 | Analysis of the Implementation of Growth Monitoring in Stunting Prone Areas | 1,361.83 | |
101 | Hypnotherapy as a Preventive Effort to Reduce Smoking Frequency in Middle Adolescents Who Go to Madrasah Aliyah | 1,405.40 | |
102 | Screening of glucosyltransferase (Gtf) and fructosyltransferase (Ftf) genes for producing exopolysaccharides in indigenous lactic acid (Bal) bacteria from breast milk | 1,235.91 | |
103 | Optimizing Public Support for the Success of Exclusive Breastfeeding for Women Workers (Quantitative Study at Yogyakarta City Government Agencies) | 1,405.40 | |
104 | Female Circumcision in Islamic Law Perspective in Cimaja Sukabumi | 1,359.73 | |
105 | Analysis of the Food Expenditure Budget in Determining the Nutritional Standards of Inpatients at Pku Muhammadiyah Gamping | 1,405.40 | |
106 | Nutrition Literacy, Diet Choices, Body Image, and Nutritional Status of Adolescents in Yogyakarta | 1,287.35 | |
107 | Overview of Stunting Incidents in Toddlers at the Tegalrejo Health Center Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
108 | Identification of Sports Injuries in High School Students (Sma) Members of Sports Extracurriculars in Kab. Sleman Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
109 | Development of Interprofessional Teamwork in Learning in the Faculty of Health, Aisyiyah University, Yogyakarta | 6,434.81 | |
86,859.03 | |||
2019-2020 | 1 | Correlation of risk in pregnancy with type of delivery | 351.35 |
2 | The Relationship Between Anxiety Levels of Pregnant Women and Maternal-Fetal Attachments at the Mlati II Public Health Center, Sleman | 351.35 | |
3 | Isolation of Bacteria from Soil Mangrove Forest of Congot Beach, Kulon Progo And Its Cytotoxic Potential Against Breast Cancer Cells | 351.35 | |
4 | Emotional Intelligence Training to Increase Self-Motivation in Organizational Students at the University of 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
5 | Effect of Blood Volume on Vacutainer Tubes with Anticoagulants on Hematocrit and Hb . Examination | 351.35 | |
6 | The Relationship between Parity and Knowledge of the Benefits of Kia Books for Pregnant Women at the Gamping Health Center 1 | 351.35 | |
7 | Literature Review of Satisfaction Levels of Pregnant Women in Antenatal Care Services | 351.35 | |
8 | Analysis of Factors Affecting Nursing Student Learning Outcomes in Using Mobile Devices for Learning | 351.35 | |
9 | Analysis of Planning and Development of Gamplong Tourism Village | 351.35 | |
10 | The Effectiveness of School Health Business Programs (UKS) and the Implementation of School-Based Adolescent Nutrition Education on Nutrition Literacy and Adolescent Health | 351.35 | |
11 | The 'Jari Peri' Program to Improve Teaching Skills for Prevention of Sexual Violence to Children in Igaba (Teachers Association Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal) Galur Branch, Kulon Progo Regency | 351.35 | |
12 | Urine Chloride Inspection Quality Control Fantus Method Using Homemade Control Materials | 351.35 | |
13 | Sem Analysis of Adolescent Mothers in Breastfeeding in Gunungkidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
14 | Differences in Radiation Dose in the Application of Oda Heel Effect Thoracal Examination with the Location of the Cathode in the Proximal and Distal Parts | 351.35 | |
15 | Effect of Temperature and Storage Time of Mother's Milk on Lactic Acid Levels | 351.35 | |
16 | Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumers in Choosing Hospitals in Yogyakarta City | 351.35 | |
17 | Communication Practices for Mardiko Tpst Piyungan Scavenger Community Groups in a Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Campaign | 351.35 | |
18 | The Effect of Health Education with Anemia Booklets on Knowledge and Attitudes of Young Women in Preventing Anemia at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
19 | In Vivo Study of the Effects of Spirulina (Arthrospira Sp.) as an Alternative Functional Food in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus | 351.35 | |
20 | Food Frequency Questionnaire (Ffq) to Assess Calcium Adequacy in Women of Childbearing Age | 351.35 | |
21 | Relationship between Mother's Characteristics and Expectations of Fulfillment of Maternal Needs in PMB in Sleman Regency | 351.35 | |
22 | Relationship between Body Mass Index and Preeclampsia at Panembahan Senopati Hospital, Bantul Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
23 | Overview of the application of patient identification and five moments of hygiene in nurses and midwives at Rsu Rajawali Citra Bantulyogyakarta | 351.35 | |
24 | Religion and Disability (Critical Study of Disability Verses) | 351.35 | |
25 | Factors Associated with the Drop Out of Contraceptive Pills at the Ngaglik II Public Health Center, Sleman Regency | 351.35 | |
26 | An overview of integrated antenatal care at the Islamic Community Health Center | 351.35 | |
27 | Overview of Stunting Toddler Prevalence in the Work Area of Moyudan Health Center, Sleman Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
28 | Overview of Violence against Women and Children in the Kasihan Health Center Area 1 | 351.35 | |
29 | Implementation of the Zoning System Policy in the Admission of New Students (Ppdb) at the High School Level in Kotayogyakarta | 351.35 | |
30 | The Role of Women's Leadership, Motivation, and Work Discipline in Improving Employee Performance | 351.35 | |
31 | Effect of Propolis (Trigona Sp.) Against Il-6 in Rats Norvegicus diabetes mellitus Type 2 | 351.35 | |
32 | Identification of Risk Factors for Bblr Incidence at Wates Hospital | 351.35 | |
33 | Analysis of Factors Affecting the Incidence of Postpartum Bleeding in Hospital Muhammadiyah Gamping | 351.35 | |
34 | Analysis of Factors Associated with Depression Levels in Chemotherapy Patients at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
35 | Study Literarure of Perineal Massage to Reduce the Risk of Perineal Tear in Labor | 351.35 | |
36 | Literature Review of Readiness in Facing Menarche in Students | 351.35 | |
37 | Development of Anxiety Measurement Instruments Facing Thesis on Students | 351.35 | |
38 | An overview of knowledge on prevention of stunting in mothers of infants with low birth weight at RS Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
39 | Analysis of Indonesia Case Base Group (Ina-Cbgs) in Covering Shortage of BPJS Claim Fees at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
40 | Analysis of Hand Hygiene Implementation in Dukuh Kutu Sumbermulo Bambanglipuro Bantul During the Pandemic | 351.35 | |
41 | Evaluation of Thermal Comfort in a Campus Environment in Yogyakarta Using Envi-Met Software (Case Study of the 'Aisiyah University Yogyakarta Ring Road West Campus) | 351.35 | |
42 | The Relationship between Socio-Economic Status and Stunting Incidence | 351.35 | |
43 | The Role of Fathers in Children's Emotional Development | 351.35 | |
44 | The Effectiveness of Counseling and Peer Groups in Overcoming Anxiety for Young Women in Facing Puberty at the La Tahzan Women's Orphanage, Yogyakarta City | 351.35 | |
45 | Analysis of Bblr Incidence at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta in 2017-2019 | 351.35 | |
46 | The Relationship between Pelvic Floor Muscle Weakness and Incontinence in Pre-Elderly | 351.35 | |
47 | The Relationship between Antenatal Care (ANC) Visits and the Incidence of Low Birth Weight (Bblr) Babies at Wates Hospital Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
48 | Overview of Maternal-Fetal Attachment at Malti II Health Center, Sleman Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
49 | Father's Role During Pregnancy: From Mother's Perspective | 351.35 | |
50 | Factors Associated with Postpartum Depression at Ananda Clinic, Sleman Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
51 | Factors Associated with the Incidence of Low Birth Weight at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
52 | Relationship between husband's support and regularity of antenatal care in third trimester pregnant women at Bpsendang Supriyatibantulyogyakarta | 351.35 | |
53 | Space Response to the Need for Cerebral Palcy in Urban Tourism Destinations With an Changing Experience Approach in Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
54 | Tuberculosis Expert System Design in Toddlers Using K-Nn (K-Nearest Neighbor) | 351.35 | |
55 | Factors Affecting Functional Disorders in the Elderly Who Have Kneedy Osteoarthritis in the Working Area of Gamping Health Center 1 | 351.35 | |
56 | Analysis of Factors Affecting the Readiness of Clinical Practice for Anesthesiology Nursing Students | 351.35 | |
57 | Changes in Hrqol Dimensions in Chronic Kidney Failure Patients at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantul: Longitudinal Study | 351.35 | |
58 | Overview of Generation Planning Reproductive Health Education (Genre) in Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
59 | Effect of Temperature and Storage Time of Cow's Milk on Lactic Acid Levels | 351.35 | |
External | 60 | The Effect of Parenting Class on Puberty on Mother's Readiness in Facing Child Puberty in Elementary School 2 Jambi and Banguntapan Bantul | 1,405.26 |
61 | Relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI), Gender, Heart Rate, Breathing Frequency, and Blood Pressure on Exercise Endurance (Vo2max) in Adolescents | 1,403.29 | |
62 | The Effect of Qigong Gymnastics with Changes in Blood Pressure in Elderly Patients with Hypertension in Kronggahan Trihanggo Hamlet, Gamping Sleman | 1,402.10 | |
63 | Accuracy of Height Data in Stunting Prone Areas | 1,405.40 | |
64 | Trust Issues In The Health Communication Of Children On The Street Situation In Yogyakarta | 1,401.75 | |
65 | Microbiological Test and Heavy Metal Contamination For Herbal Cosmetic Products Bidara Face Mask (Bidara Anxiety) | 1,310.54 | |
66 | Mobile Technology in Nursing Education: Potential and Challenges in Indonesia | 1,405.33 | |
67 | Development of Sports Injury Textbooks (Identification, Prevention, Handling and Rehabilitation of Badminton Sports Injuries) | 1,405.40 | |
68 | Screening of Lauric Acid Content in Breast Milk and Formula Milk for Infants Age 0-6 Months Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Gc-Ms) Instruments | 1,405.40 | |
69 | The Effect of Gadget Intensity on Attention Disorders in School-Age Children | 1,405.40 | |
70 | Identification of Low Back Pain and Lactic Acid Levels in the Online Ojek Community in Yogyakarta City | 1,405.40 | |
71 | The Effect of Network Marketing on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Yogyakarta City | 1,394.79 | |
72 | Development of a Combination Method of Counter Pressure Massage and Warm Compresses as the World's Leading Non-Pharmacological Therapy for Obstetrics for the First Stage of Labor Pain | 1,405.40 | |
73 | Development of Children's Physiotherapy Textbooks to Improve Comprehensive Child Physiotherapy Services for Physiotherapy Students at 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
74 | Overview of Mental Health in Pregnant Women at Jetis Health Center Yogyakarta | 1,124.32 | |
75 | The Effectiveness of Adolescent Mentoring Against Anxiety in Facing Puberty in Adolescents in Orphanages in Yogyakarta Region | 1,395.99 | |
76 | Design and Build an Information System for Violence Against Women and Children | 1,405.40 | |
77 | Optimizing Community Support for Family Success in Assisting Empowered Odgj (Qualitative Study) | 1,405.40 | |
78 | Correlation Study: The Relationship Between Exercise And Musculoskeletal Pain In The Elderly In Yogyakarta | 1,378.00 | |
79 | Utilization of Pkpr Services in Accessing Hiv And Aids Information: Adolescent Perspectives in Kulon Progo | 1,384.32 | |
80 | Analysis of the Effect of Self-Care Behavior on Cardiovascular Health Profiles of Heart Failure Patients | 1,405.40 | |
81 | In Vivo Antidiarrheal Activity Test of Carica Pubescens Leaf Extract in Dieng Plateau | 1,380.81 | |
82 | Identification of Neck Pain Complaints Factors in Batik Makers at the Giriloyo Batik Center, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta | 1,388.75 | |
83 | Identification of Dementia Risk Factors in the Elderly Posyandu, Sleman Regency | 1,370.27 | |
84 | Analysis of Indonesia Case Base Group (Ina-Cbgs) in Covering Shortage of Bpjs Claim Fees | 1,405.40 | |
85 | Interprofessional Collaboration Relationship With Nurse Burnout Incidents In Hospitals | 1,366.05 | |
86 | Descriptive Study of Knowledge and Attitudes of School Residents About First Handling Student Injury At Sdn Blunyahrejo Yogyakarta | 1,050.89 | |
87 | Study of the Effectiveness of the Application of Healing Environment on the Architectural Design of Type D Health Facilities in Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
88 | Attitudes and Knowledge of Nurses in Providing Palliative Nursing | 1,127.27 | |
89 | Ethics of Communication for Health Services for Persons with Disabilities in Sleman District | 1,405.40 | |
90 | Student Awareness of the Plastic Diet in Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
91 | Analysis of Pollution of Pathogenic Bacteria and Heavy Metals on Garbage Transport Officers in Sleman, Yogyakarta | 1,405.40 | |
92 | Relationship between anemia in pregnant women and anemia in infants aged 6-36 months in the working area of the Kalasan Public Health Center | 1,405.40 | |
93 | Analysis of Women Center Care Needs in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Midwifery Services | 1,405.40 | |
94 | Sensitivity and Specificity Test of One Tube Semi-Nested Rt-Pcr Method for the Detection of Tilapia Lake Virus (Tilv) | 1,405.40 | |
95 | Institutional Analysis of Independent Tourism Villages in Sleman Regency | 1,405.40 | |
96 | Evaluation of the Implementation of Screening and Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the City of Yogyakarta | 1,772.21 | |
97 | Development of Interprofessional Teamwork in Learning in the Faculty of Health, Aisyiyah University, Yogyakarta | 7,360.79 | |
98 | Collect And Analysis Data Tb-Hiv And Developing Policy Paper For District Level | 3,513.51 | |
99 | Communication Network in the Coordination Process of Health Information System Integration in Muhammadiyah | 702.70 | |
100 | Barriers And Facilitators Of Specific Maternity Services For Adolescents With Pregnancies In Yogyakarta Indonesia | 7,378.36 | |
101 | Smart Program for Maternal and Child Health Response in Gunungkidul | 1,405.40 | |
102 | Factors Affecting HIV Test Behavior in Couples of Childbearing Age | 843.24 | |
93,098.28 | |||
2020/2021 | 1 | Psychological and Sleep Quality of Nurses in the Covid-19 Isolation Room at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta | 351.35 |
2 | The Effect of Violence Education on Children on Parents' Violent Behavior at Kasihan 1 Health Center Bantul | 351.35 | |
3 | Relationship of Premature Rupture of Membranes with Neonatal Sepsis Incidence in Early Onset at Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital, Gamping Sleman Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
4 | The Relationship of Husband's Support With Anxiety Levels Facing Labor During a Pandemic In Third Trimester Pregnant Women At Pku Muhammadiyah Gamping Sleman | 1,756.75 | |
5 | The Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Patient Education on Independent Exercise Compliance for Low Back Pain Patients | 351.35 | |
6 | The Effectiveness of Virtual Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic | 351.35 | |
7 | Factors Associated with the Incidence of Low Birth Weight (LWB) At Wonosari Hospital, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
8 | Teenagers' Relationships During Online Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic With Static Balance Disorders | 351.35 | |
9 | Quality of Life for Teenagers in the Covid19 Pandemic Period at Temon Kulon Progo Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
10 | Identification of Aerobic Resistance to Cardiopulmonary Fitness in Cyclists during a Pandemic | 351.35 | |
11 | The Effect of Radiography Predisposing Factors on the Application of Patient Safety Radiation in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
12 | Body Image, Balanced Nutrition and Obesity in Aisyiyah Yogyakarta University Students | 351.35 | |
13 | The Phenomenon of Domestic Violence (Occurrence Description, Perpetrators and Their Management: A Case Study in the Special Region of Yogyakarta) | 1,756.75 | |
14 | The Relationship Between Anxiety and Student Learning Motivation During the Covid-19 Pandemic | 351.35 | |
15 | Factor Analysis of Caregiver Quality of Life and Hemodialysis Patients During New Habits Adaptation | 1,756.75 | |
16 | Online Survey About the Readiness and Satisfaction of Nurse Profession Students in Online Learning for the Covid-19 Period at 'Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
17 | Long Work Relationship with Neck Pain Complaints in the Online Ojek Community | 351.35 | |
18 | The Effect of Augmented Reality-Based Learning Model on Self-Efficacy and Anatomy Learning Outcomes | 351.35 | |
19 | The Effect of Meaning of Life through Dhikr on Increasing Student Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic | 351.35 | |
20 | Overview of Post-copying Family Planning Coverage at Jetis Public Health Center, Yogyakarta City | 351.35 | |
21 | Implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 290/Menkes/Per/2008 concerning Approval of Medical Actions on Family Planning Acceptors in the Independent Practice of Umu Hani Midwives | 351.35 | |
22 | Description of Knowledge Levels and Breast Cancer Risk Factors in Health Cadres of Kasihan 1 Health Center Bantul Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
23 | Relationship of Imt to Functional Disorders in Elderly Who Have Osteoarthritis Knee Twig Aisyiyah West Palbapang, Bantul | 351.35 | |
24 | Anxiety Analysis of Health Workers in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic | 351.35 | |
25 | Readiness of Master's Degree Students Against TOEFL or Unisa Ept as a Requirement for Submission of Thesis Proposal | 351.35 | |
26 | Differences in the Nutritional Status of Toddlers Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic At Posyandu Kantil Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
27 | The Level of Elderly Knowledge of Phbs in Facing the New Normal Era Using Virtual Learning Methods in Noyokerten Village, Sendang Tirto, Slemanyogyakarta | 351.35 | |
28 | Characteristics of new family planning acceptors and the selection of contraceptive methods in women of childbearing age during the pandemic | 351.35 | |
29 | The Relationship Between Confidence in Facing Labor and Mother-Fetal Attachment During the Covid-19 Pandemic Masa | 351.35 | |
30 | An Overview of Anxiety Levels of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy Checkups at Pmb's Wife Utami During a Pandemic | 351.35 | |
31 | Density Difference Between Thorax Radiograph on Computer Radiography Monitor and Radiograph Print | 351.35 | |
32 | Analysis of Factors Causing Young Marriage | 351.35 | |
33 | Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Levels in Participants of the Baitussalam Mantrijeron Majlis Taklim Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
34 | Implementation of Health Architecture in the Design of Integrated Clinical Architecture for Pandemic Response | 351.35 | |
35 | Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors to Prevent Covid-19 Transmission in Type-II Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Yogyakarta | 351.35 | |
36 | Literature Study of the Effectiveness of Cherry Leaves and Plasma Jets in Healing Diabetic Wounds | 210.81 | |
37 | Strategic Directions for the Health Service Sector of Sleman Regency in Facing the New Normal Era | 351.35 | |
38 | Qualitative Study of Nutrition Knowledge and Parenting Patterns on Feeding Patterns for Stunting Toddlers on Sebatik Island, North Kalimantan | 351.35 | |
39 | Analysis of the location of tracking in the area of the common carotid artery and aortic arch on the CTA Cerebral examination at the Radiology Installation of the Salatiga Hospital | 351.35 | |
40 | The Effectiveness of Card, Comic and Video Media on Nutrition Knowledge of Elementary School Students On Sebatik Island, North Kalimantan | 351.35 | |
41 | Predicting the Spread of Covid 19 in Indonesia Using the Naive Bayes Algorithm | 351.35 | |
42 | Hadiths Commanding Prayer on the Perspective of Child Development Psychology | 351.35 | |
43 | Architecture Biomimicry With Healthy Building Approach | 351.35 | |
44 | An Overview of the Implementation of Discipline and Enforcement of the Health Law of the Covid 19 Protocol in Sigong Hamlet, Banjarmangu, Banjarnegara Regency | 351.35 | |
45 | Study on Sustainable Environmental Impact Management Planning in Type C Hospital (Case Study: Kasih Ibu Hospital, Jebres, Surakarta) | 351.35 | |
46 | Juridical Analysis of the Midwife's Role on Patient Compliance Regarding the Implementation of the Covid 19 Protocol Legal Discipline in Patients Visiting Kia Polyclinics | 351.35 | |
47 | Application of Interprofessional Collaboration Practice in the Operating Room to Improve Patient Health Status : A Systematic Review | 210.81 | |
48 | Overview of Outpatient Satisfaction in Non-BPJS Participants in General Practitioner Clinics | 351.35 | |
49 | Overview of Patient Knowledge About the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Rusdi Husada Clinic Health Service | 351.35 | |
50 | The Role of the Guwosari Village Government in the Prevention and Handling of the Impact of Covid-19 | 351.35 | |
51 | Halal Labeling, Information on Nutritional Values and Selection of Packaged Food Products for 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta' University Students | 351.35 | |
External | 52 | Coping Strategies Against Psychological Stress of Midwives During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Case Study | 702.70 |
53 | Management of Education Finance During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Yogyakarta City | 702.70 | |
54 | Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah College Brand Activation Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic | 702.70 | |
55 | Rt-Lamp Application Using Water Bath as an Alternative to Covid-19 Rapid Molecular Test | 702.70 | |
56 | Model of the 'Aisyyah-Muhammadiyah cadre during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Reflection Study on Advanced Young Leaders (Pespama) and Baitul Arqom Purna (Bap) Unisa Yogyakarta | 702.70 | |
57 | Anticipating Student Stress in Undertaking Learning in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic | 702.70 | |
58 | MSME Empowerment Model in the Context of Rehabilitation & Reconstruction After the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Special Region of Yogyakarta | 702.70 | |
59 | The Effectiveness of Health Cadres Through the Germas Booklet Media (Clean and Healthy Living Community Movement) During the Covid-19 Period in the 'Aisyiyah Nogotirto Branch of Yogyakarta | 702.70 | |
60 | The Effectiveness of Islamic Hypnotherapy To Reduce Stress, Depression And Anxiety In Late Adolescents In Late Adolescents During The Covid-19 Pandemic | 702.70 | |
61 | Applied Test of Reverse-Transcriptase Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (Rt-Lamp) as an Alternative for Rapid Molecular Test (Rapid Molecular Test) Sars Cov-2 Causes Covid-19 | 7,042.47 | |
62 | The Effectiveness of Korsimu (Breastfeeding Mother's Oxytocin Chair) Compared to Oxytocin Massage on Increasing Breast Milk Production | 12,489.18 | |
63 | Adolescent Reproductive Health Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Scoping Review | 351.35 | |
64 | Support For Women In Indonesia Who Have Perinatal Mental Health Problems: A Mixed-Method Study | 7,378.36 | |
65 | Effect Of Covid 19 Pandemic For The Experiences And Quality Of Life Of Women In Pregnancy And Afterbirth: Online Survey | 37,945.86 | |
66 | The Effectiveness of Real Case Based Online Tutorial Learning Model on Understanding Nursing Care Process; Mix Method Study | 1,405.40 | |
67 | Differences in Stress Levels of Female Teachers at Muhammadiyah and Non Muhammadiyah Schools in Yogyakarta during the Pandemic | 702.70 | |
68 | The Impact of the Living Barn Movement on the Development of Food Processing SMEs in Preventing Stunting | 702.70 | |
69 | The Role of Religion and Spirituality in the Healing Process of Covid-19 Patients at the Covid-19 Islamic Boarding School | 702.70 | |
70 | Evaluation of the Implementation of Interprofessional Collaborative Practices on the Quality of Basic Emergency Neonatal Obstetrics Services (Poned) at Health Centers during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era | 702.70 | |
71 | Anatomy Learning Video Technology Innovation Based on the Integration of Advanced Islamic Values on Learning Outcomes and Character Building of Aisyiyah Students | 702.70 | |
72 | Analysis of the Effect of Land Designation for Sustainable Food Farming (Lp2b) on Poverty in Diapanewon, Seyegan, Sleman Regency | 702.70 | |
73 | Progressive Women in Evaluation of the Service Performance of the Mlati II Public Health Center in 2020 in the Mlati District, Sleman Regency | 702.70 | |
74 | The Relationship between the Role and Competence of Clinical Supervisors on the Implementation of Patient Safety in the Central Surgical Installation Room | 702.70 | |
75 | The Role of 'Aisyiyah Organizations in Efforts to Prevent Child/Early Marriage: A Case Study in Dlingo Bantul Yogyakarta and Magelang Shamans, Central Java | 702.70 | |
76 | The Effectiveness of Health Protocol Videos on Mosque Congregation Compliance | 702.70 | |
101,817.96 |
Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2018 = 86.859,03 US Dollars
Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2019 = 93.098,28 US Dollars
Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2020 = 101.817,96 US Dollars
The averaged annum last 3 years of research fund dedicated to sustainability research = 281,775.27 US Dollars
Goals 1: No Poverty

Scholarly publications on sustainability: No Poverty (Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) = 852 publications
Goals 2: Zero Hunger

Scholarly publications on sustainability: Zero Hunger (Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) = 27 publications
Goals 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Scholarly publications on sustainability: Good Health and Well-Being (Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) = 1.380 publications
Goals 4: Quality Education

Scholarly publications on sustainability: Quality Education (Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) = 3 publications
Goals 5: Gender Quality

Scholarly publications on sustainability: Gender Quality (Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) = 3 publications
Goals 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Scholarly publications on sustainability: Clean Water and Sanitation (Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) = 313 publications
Goals 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Scholarly publications on sustainability: Affordable and Clean Energy (Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia) = 335 publications
- Planting Trees: Supporting a Green Campus, UNISA Yogyakarta invites all 2019 UNISA Yogyakarta New Students to go green starting from the campus environment. The participants were approximately 1800 participants, including new students, leaders, and employees of UNISA Yogyakarta (2019).
- Declaration of Free Plastic Waste: As a sustainable campus, UNISA Yogyakarta declares reducing plastic consumption through the “Friendly drinking bottles for the entire UNISA Yogyakarta community” program. Therefore, UNISA Yogyakarta provides mineral water for refills in several campus corners. (2019).
- Tree Planting 2021: UNISA Yogyakarta carries out a tree planting event to achieve the Green Campus concept. All Study Program and Bureau donated ready-to-plant trees. (2021).
- UNISA Yogya Gowes: The series from the 2021 Green Campus, in addition to planting trees, the entire UNISA Yogya Community holds Gowes (Biking) for a campaign to reduce air pollution and maintain body health during a pandemic. (2021)
- Healthy Warung Contest: As a natural movement to reach the green campus goal, UNISA Yogyakarta invited all nearby restaurant/stall owners to maintain health protocols to decrease the chain of Covid-19 spread. We packaged employing competitions and awarding announcements via UNISA Yogyakarta’s official social media. In addition to assessing health protocols, aspects of cleanliness in the cooking process are also included in the assessment points. (2021)
- Nutrition Literacy: UNISA Yogyakarta invited the owners of the canteen stalls and restaurants around the Campus. The activity invited expert resource persons to have presentations on a particular topic. For instance, how to maintain nutrition in food storage and when processed and tips on cooking positions far from the cooking waste disposal point or washing location. (2020)
- UNISA Yogyakarta collaborated with the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Community Empowerment Council (MPM PPM) conducted community service activities to provide training on making and packaging hand soap for scavengers from the Mardiko community. Our hand soap is named “MARUN,” which is an abbreviation of MARdiko UNisa. In this activity, scavengers at the Piyungan Integrated Waste Disposal Site received two hundred forty bottles and 100 gloves. (2020)
- UNISA Yogyakarta established the Humanitarian action term of sharing clean water to the community in Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY, for a two-time series: on September 21, 2019, and on July 21, 2021. This activity is a synergy activity between Employees, Student Organizations, and Students. This event aims to carry out this activity as a form of humanitarian solidarity for a drought-stricken area. At the same time, the demand for clean water for humans, animals, and plants as part of human survival is relatively high. (2019 and 2020)
- Planting Trees
- Planting Trees
- Declaration of Free Plastic Waste
- UNISA Yogya Gowes
- Healthy Warung Contest
- Nutrition Literacy
- UNISA Yogyakarta established the Humanitarian action term of sharing clean water to the community in Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY
- UNISA Yogyakarta established the Humanitarian action term of sharing clean water to the community in Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY
- UNISA Yogyakarta established the Humanitarian action term of sharing clean water to the community in Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY
- UNISA Yogyakarta collaborated with the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Community Empowerment Council (MPM PPM)
- UNISA Yogyakarta collaborated with the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Community Empowerment Council (MPM PPM)
Examples of Events Related to Sustainability (Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
- Student Executive Board (BEM) UNISA Yogyakarta
The Student Executive Board (BEM) is an intra-campus student organization that is an executive institution at the university and faculty level to become an institution that accommodates the aspirations of students who have the passion for making changes, in paradigms, emotionally, intellectually as well as the values of Nationalism. The clean water donation activity to Gunung Kidul is a form of concern for humans, animals, and plants that need water as a source of life—also, campaigning to reduce the use of plastic to not add to the waste problem in this country. - FRESHT UNISA Yogyakarta
Federation of Rescue Health Team (FRESHT) Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta is an autonomous student organization engaged in disaster management and community service. Distributes humanitarian donations to victims of natural disasters to help repair everything, including environmental and natural damage. This activity also includes vaccination activities to support government programs. - Hizbul Wathan (HW) Scouting UNISA Yogyakarta
The Hizbul Wathan (HW) Scout Movement is a place or place for formerly active students in Hizbul Wathan scouting or from other scouting such as Scouts who want to re-develop their talents and activities at the university level. Most HW activities are carried out in the open while maintaining and developing nature conservation and not littering. - HIMARS UNISA Yogyakarta
The Architecture Student Association is an organization that accommodates all architecture students in carrying out non-academic activities, encouraging students’ ideas to do and form something new. One of the activities is working from natural materials, making contemporary photo spots with the concept of using bamboo as raw materials to be environmentally friendly.
- UNISA SAE (Sport & Art Every week): A forum for all UNISA Yogyakarta Lecturers & Employees in various Arts or Sports activities every week, with the assistance of professional trainers. As for the branches such as Choir, Dance, Band, Futsal, and Gymnastics. In his artistic activities, he also appeared at several official events at UNISA Yogyakarta.
- UNISAFEST 2018: UNISAFEST Yogyakarta holds an annual UNISAFEST event for the general public to participate in sports and arts activities for brand activation. UNISAFEST in 2018 was able to present more than 500 general participants.
- UNISAFEST 2019: UNISA Yogyakarta through AVO (Melody of ‘Aisyiyah Voice) collaborated with Taman Budaya Yogyakarta in 2019, proudly presenting cultural performances, Theater, and Music attending more than 500 general participants.
- UNISA SAE (Sport & Art Every week)
- UNISA SAE (Sport & Art Every week)
- UNISA SAE (Sport & Art Every week)
- UNISA SAE (Sport & Art Every week)
- UNISA SAE (Sport & Art Every week)
Examples of cultural activities on campus (Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta)
- Community Health Protocol Literacy Around Campus: At the beginning of widespread Covid-19 in Yogyakarta, we have two main issues that need to be priority concerns. The first is about the hoax regarding covid-19 information that radically emerged in the community. Second, since we have a compulsory subject that needs the practicum learning method for students in the Health study program, they will have the offline practicum skill on the campus. The UNISA Yogyakarta Covid-19 Task Force team provided education, information, and counseling for the landlord who has the boarding house surrounding the campus area to overcome the issues. The topics are about increasing awareness on health protocol series and mutual understanding of welcoming students from outside the Yogyakarta region.
- Health Protocol literacy in the Tourism Sector: Approaching the Christmas and New Year holidays, the City of Yogyakarta has become the most popular tourist destination even during the Pandemic Covid-19. Therefore, to support the Yogyakarta Tourism sector, UNISA Yogyakarta held a Health Protocol Literacy for business owners in the several favorite tourist spots in Yogyakarta. In addition, UNISA Yogyakarta is also presenting doctors from local health centers. Besides, we also distribute hand sanitizer for free at Ngasem Market, Ngabean Terminal, Kraton Yogyakarta, KM Nol Yogyakarta, and around North Square.
- Health Protocol Literacy in Regional Dormitory: Yogyakarta is well-known as the student city and the miniature of Indonesia. Students of various races and ethnicities are living and becoming a member of society in Yogyakarta. Therefore, there are many race dormitories in Yogyakarta, such as the South Sulawesi Dormitory, “SaweriGading.” Inviting the Yogyakarta UNISA Bachelor Architecture Study Program, the literacy team provided education regarding healthy circulation for rooms to anticipate the spread of Covid-19. Doctors from the local Puskesmas also provide health literacy.
- Vaccine Webinar: The scholars across the world found the vaccine for Covid-19, but at the same time, hoax information about vaccines has also developed. UNISA Yogyakarta is here to share information and straighten out the confusion of vaccine information. They presented resource persons from the Medical Laboratory Technology Undergraduate Study Program, the Covid-19 vaccine webinar held with more detailed vaccines for pregnant women. The participants were attended by Aisyiyah’s mothers from various regions.
- Food Security Webinar: UNISA Yogyakarta Undergraduate Biotechnology Study Program and Prof. Dr. Ir. Susamto Somowiyarjo, M.Sc. (member of PP Muhammadiyah Environmental Council, Professor of Faculty of Agriculture UGM) collaborated to present a literacy introduction to food security, where the Covid-19 outbreak is one factor that threatens food security.
- Covid-19 Talkshow: When the government announced the Covid-19 hit Indonesia for the first time on March 15, 2020. The following day, UNISA Yogyakarta held a talk show about the initial steps to overcome Covid-19, collaborating with the Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC) ). The event was packaged in a live streaming manner via YouTube UNISA Yogyakarta to avoid the gathering of many people.
- A visit and direct review by the National Police Chief and the TNI Commander, in the 1st Dose of Covid-19 Vaccination agenda in collaboration between the TNI-POLRI and UNISA Yogyakarta, as many as 6500 vaccine quotas were distributed to the general public.
- COVID-19 Vaccination Activities by TNI-POLRI at UNISA Yogyakarta 2nd Dose
- The implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination by Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah-‘Aisyiyah, is intended for residents of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah-‘Aisyiyah, Muhammadiyah volunteers, the entire UNISA Yogyakarta Academic Community, and the general public.
- Covid-19 Vaccination Activities by Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah-‘Aisyiyah at UNISA Yogyakarta 2nd Dose
- Submission of volunteers for UNISA Yogyakarta Student Health Workers at Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, in helping to deal with the next wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Official handover to Dr.Sardjito Hospital
- Submission of volunteers for UNISA Yogyakarta Student Health Workers at PKU Muhamadiyah Hospital Bantul, in helping to deal with the continued wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Official handover to PKU Muhammadyah Hospital Bantul
- UNISA Yogyakarta Covid-19 Shelter Building in collaboration with PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital and Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC).
- SMART ROOM facilities for online activities both at the University, Faculty and Study Program levels related to the Tridharma of Higher Education)
- Learning Management System (LMS) facilities to support online (asynchronous) learning activities under the name LENSA UNISA Yogyakarta
- Paid ZOOM account facilities to facilitate online learning activities (synchronous) both for online lectures and scientific webinars, and others
- Figure 1 dan 2. Community Health Protocol Literacy Around Campus and Health Protocol Literacy in the Tourism Sector
- Figure 3. Health Protocol Literacy in Regional Dormitory
- Figure 4. Webinar on Vaccines
- Figure 5. Webinar on Food Security
- Figure 6. A visit and direct review by the National Police Chief and the TNI Commander, on the Covid-19 Vaccination agenda
- Figure 7. Submission of volunteers for UNISA Yogyakarta Student Health Workers at Dr.Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta
- Figure 8. Submission of volunteers for UNISA Yogyakarta Student Health Workers at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Bantu
- Figure 9. UNISA Yogyakarta Covid-19 Shelter Building in collaboration with PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital and Muhammadiyah Covivd-19 Command Center (MCCC)
- Figure 10. SMART ROOM UNISA Yogyakarta for Daring activity
- Figure 11. Learning Management System “LENSA” (e learning UNISA yogyakarta) for online learning activities
- Figure 12. AKUN ZOOM berbayar sebagai sarana pembelajaran daring (total 28 Akun berbayar)
No | Project name | participants | Project duration | Project area |
1 | IbM Improves Community Economy Through Processing of Cassava into Mocaf Flour | 30 | 6 months | SDG's 1 |
2 | PkM Financial Management Training for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Around UNISA | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
3 | IbM Development of Sendari Hamlet Tourism Village Based on Environmental Health with Community Participation | 25 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
4 | Strengthening Digital Marketing-Based Diffable Micro Business Groups for ANGER Assisted Communities in Ngemplak District, Sleman, Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
5 | IbM Entrepreneurship Motivation Training for Bipolar Survivors at the Bipolar Care Indonesia Community, Yogyakarta node | 15 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
6 | IbM Increases Consumer Awareness by Empowering Website, E-Commerce, and Marketplace for Inopak Institute | 30 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
7 | IbM MSME Community Empowerment 'BWM-LKMS Usaha Mandiri Sakinah' Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta Towards Competitive MSMEs | 40 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
8 | Upgrading Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes For Export In Bantul, DI Province. Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
9 | Pkm Empowerment of Al-Barik Business Group in Health and Banana Peel Flour Entrepreneurship Innovation in Sidomulyo Bambanglipuro Village, Bantul | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
10 | Empowering Mothers of PKK in Sardonoharjo Village with Frozen Fish Food Business Management Training | 30 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
11 | Optimizing Student Health through Healthy and Hygienic Snack Entrepreneurs at SMP Negeri 2 Kasihan Bantul | 25 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
12 | Pkm Batik Write 'Aisyiyah Branch Nogotirto | 15 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
13 | Ibm Improving the Community Economy Through the Use of the Internet as a Promotional Media for Handicrafts at the Economic Council of Pc Aisyiyah Wirobraja | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
14 | Efforts to Increase Sales of MSME Products through Photography: Empowering MSMEs Assisted by Micro Waqf Bank 'Usaha Mandiri Sakinah' Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman DI Yogyakarta | 30 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
15 | PKM Simplified Financial Reporting Training for MSMEs Registered with Micro Waqf Banks Sharia Microfinance Institutions (LKMS) “Sakinah” Nogotirto Gamping Sleman | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
16 | PKM Household Food Independence Movement Through Fish Cultivation Program in Bucket (Budikdamber) in Pesona Alam Sejahtera (PAS) Women Farmers Group (KWT) Kapanewon, Sentolo, Kulon Progo | 15 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
17 | Pkm Sales Training Through Marketplaces To Build Local Markets During the Covid-19 Pandemic In Rw 12 Nitikan Village, Sorosutan Village, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
18 | PkM Training on Making Patterned Masks for Children at the Aisyiyah Women's Orphanage in Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
19 | PkM Processed Oyster Mushroom 'Aisyiyah Gamping Branch | 20 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
20 | PkM Online Shop Training for Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Cadre in Kalasan Sleman to Improve Women's Economic Independence | 35 | 6 months | SDG's1 |
21 | Nutrition Aware Literacy IbM | 20 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
22 | IbM Establishment of Breastfeeding Support Group (KP-ASI) | 15 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
23 | IbM SMA Muhammadiyah Mlati in Food Health Promotion Activities | 30 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
24 | PKM Participation in Village Community Health Development Through Health Checkup Nutrition Education | 30 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
25 | PKM Training on Nutritional Status Measurement and Implementation of the Policy for Monitoring the Nutritional Status of Toddlers in Daycare | 20 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
26 | Empowerment of Vegetable Nutrition Gardens in Karang Taruna Dusun Ledok, Sidorejo Village, Lendah District, Kulonprogo Regency | 15 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
27 | IbM: KAPA (Breastfeeding Supporting Fathers Group) Hamlet Salakam Bangunjiwo Bantul | 15 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
28 | IbM Utilizes "Oxytomome" Technology to Facilitate Breastfeeding for Breastfeeding Mothers in the PKK Group, Ngampilan Village | 10 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
29 | IbM Improving the Quality of Life through Physical Activities and Education on Healthy Living as a Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) in Hamlet Gamping Lor, Ambarketawang Village | 30 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
30 | Family Nutrition Shop for Mother and Toddler Health | 25 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
31 | Utilization of "Oxytomome" Technology to Facilitate Breastfeeding in Breastfeeding Mothers in the PKK Group, Ngampilan Village | 15 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
32 | “Vertiminaponik” Nutritional Garden as an Innovation for Sensitive Nutrition Intervention for Handling Stunting in Tuksono Village, Sentolo District, Kulon Progo Regency | 30 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
33 | Pkm Improvement of Nutrition Knowledge of Young Women Students and Monitoring of Teacher Health at SMA Muhammadiyah Pleret | 30 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
34 | POP-TM And BOOP-TM As Healthy Eating Guide | 20 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
35 | Ibm Counseling About Breastfeeding During Pregnancy at Branch Aisyiyah Sorosutan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta City | 15 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
36 | Ibm Sikarbit (Siaga Cadres and Mothers of Toddlers) Refreshing Posyandu Cadres "Stunting Alert" in Kauman Wijirejo Hamlet, Pandak Bantul | 15 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
37 | Improving the Quality of Falling Checks and Screening Stunting With Empowerment of Cadres of Posyandu Melati Kulon Progo | 10 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
38 | Prevent And Treat Stunting | 30 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
39 | Ibm Model Room for Breastfeeding Women in Sleman Garment Factory | 25 | 6 months | SDG's2 |
40 | IbM Training on Early Detection of Growth Deviations for Health Cadres of Merdikorejo Village | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
41 | IbM Formation of Youth Posyandu Cadres in Bokorejo Prambanan | 25 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
42 | IbM Establishment of Child Friendly PAUD | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
43 | PKM Posyandu Youth Group "Purworejo Hargobinangun" (AMPUH) Pakem, Sleman | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
44 | IbM BSE Training (Breast Self-Examination) Efforts for Early Detection of Ca Mamae in Dusun Sokamartani Merdikorejo Tempel Sleman | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
45 | Ibm "Penkes Mujamuju" Health Education Towards Progressive Adolescents Through Training on Hb Examination and Giving Fe Tablets as an Effort to Overcome Anemia at Sewon Junior High School Bantul | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
46 | PKM Cadre-Plus Desa Tens | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
47 | IbM Toilet Training for ABA Kindergarten Teachers, Tegalrejo District, Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
48 | IbM Establishment of Cadre-Based Community Breastfeeding Support (combresso) at Canden Jetis Bantul | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
49 | IbM Designing Child Friendly Areas in Sendari Hamlet, Sleman | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
50 | IbM Posbindu Non-Communicable Diseases | 35 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
51 | PkM for Posyandu for Elderly Fostered by Danurejan II Health Center Activities | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
52 | PKM Training for Elementary School Teachers for Scoliosis Prevention in Students of SD Negeri Karangmloko 1 Ngaglik Sleman | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
53 | Group-Based Community Empowerment Program in Hypertension Treatment in the Tambak Triharjo Wates Hamlet, Kulon Progo Regency | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
54 | Ibm Upgrading Posyandu Toddler in Mantingan Village | 10 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
55 | IbM Self-Help Group of Healthy Dasawisma | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
56 | IbM Peer Modeling Application on Self-Care Management for Elderly with Hypertension | 25 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
57 | Socialization of Reproductive Health and Health Problems with Social Media for Women and Children Learning Center (P3A) Group with NGO Mitra Wacana | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
58 | Formation of Gender Responsive Reproductive Health Care Cadres in Kalintung Temon Kulonprogo | 25 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
59 | IbM "Dekil School PHBS" Small Cadres Implementation of School PHBS for Kindergarten Students 'Aisyiyah Purwodiningratan Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
60 | IbM Reproductive Health Small Cadre Training | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
61 | PKM Development of Mental Health Early Detection Skills for Regional Mental Cadres | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
62 | IbM Posbindu Cadre Training in Posbindu Implementation as an Effort for Early Detection of Degenerative Diseases in Ayodya Citra Banjeng Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
63 | Pkm Islamic Boarding School Health Post (Poskestren) in Balecatur Village Gamping Sleman Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
64 | Ibm Empowering the Elderly in Health at the Elderly Posyandu in Mlangi, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
65 | Pkm Reproductive Health for the Elderly Pre-Karangsewu Ta'lim Assembly Kulon Proggo | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
66 | IBM Aset Undaunted "Healthy Children Smart Generation" In The Application Of Phbs (Clean And Healthy Lifestyle) At Pgtk Khalifah Bantul | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
67 | Ibm Mental Health Support Group Training | 35 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
68 | Ibm Health Cadres Early Detection of Cervical Cancer in Aisyiyah Recitation Mothers in Sangubanyu Hamlet, Sumber Rahayu Village, Moyudan District, Sleman | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
69 | Pkm Germas Training for Early Childhood | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
70 | Pkm: Management of Early Detection of Pregnancy Complications Through Integrated C Service Standards at Poskesdes Sariharjo Village Ngaglik Sleman Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
71 | Early Detection Training to Prevent Stroke in Elderly Branch Leaders of 'Aisyiyah North Square Kotagede Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
72 | Ibm Empowerment of Health Cadres in Early Detection of Toddlers in the Moyudansleman Region of Yogyakarta | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
73 | Ibm Iodized Salt Identification Training in Sangubanyu Hamlet, Moyudan, Sleman | 25 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
74 | Ibm Training for Cadres to Fill out Kia Books in an Effort to Reduce and Prevent Stunting at Posyandu Melati Putihsleman Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
75 | Ibm Toddler Growth Detection Training | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
76 | Program for the Empowerment of Cadres and Community Leaders in Promotive and Preventive Efforts for Hiv/Aids in the Tambak Triharjo Wates Hamlet, Kulon Progo Regency | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
77 | PKM Education for Child Development for Teachers and Parents at TPA-KB- TK Permata Hatiku | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
78 | Active Cycle of Breathing Technique Training for Hypertension Patients in the Gatak Cadre Group | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
79 | Ibm "Dare" Youth Empowerment (Free of Smoking, Alcohol and Early Marriage) In Sokonilo Hamlet, Sidoluhur, Gamping | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
80 | IBM Controlling Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
81 | Pkm Elderly Community Training on Increasing Dynamic Balance in Order to Reduce Fall Risk | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
82 | PKM Health Cadre Training as an Effort to Optimize the Elderly Posyandu | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
83 | IBM Foot Exercise Education for DM Patients | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
84 | Pkm Literacy Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (Phbs) Scavengers at Tpst Piyungan | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
85 | Health Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic for Kindergarten Children Aba Sumurmuling Using Snakes and Ladders Game | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
86 | IbM Breast Self Examination (BSE) Training in order to increase community independence for PKK Nyamplung Lor women, Balecatur Village, Gamping District, Sleman Regency | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
87 | PKM Community empowerment in preventing degenerative diseases and improving the health status of the residents of Sempol Hamlet Harjobinangun PakemSleman | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
88 | IbM Socializes Child Care Movement for PHBS | 25 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
89 | PkM Initiates Online Mother Class in the Covid-19 Era | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
90 | IbM Recognition of Cervical Cancer Signs in Young Women in Tegal Menukan Sewon Bantul | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
91 | Formation of Posyandu for the Elderly of Sendangtirto Berbah Village, Sleman, DI.Yogyakarta | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
92 | IbM Cadre Skills Training in Early Detection of Toddler Development in the Branch of 'Aisyiyah Nogotirto Gamping Sleman Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
93 | IbM Monitors Toddler Growth | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
94 | PkM Iodized Salt Identification Training for Members of Nasyiatul 'Aisyiyah Moyudan and Seyegan Sleman, Yogyakarta | 30 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
95 | IbM Formation of the “SISBANGUN” Peer Group Together We Prevent Adolescent Anemia During the New Normal Period at SMP N 4 Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
96 | IBM Increases the Role of Health Cadres in Efforts to Reduce and Prevent Stunting at Posyandu Puspa Indahgamping Sleman Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
97 | Toddler Posyandu Cadre Innovation Training | 15 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
98 | PkM Optimizing the Role of Posyandu Cadres in Education Stimulation of Toddler Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic | 10 | 6 months | SDG's3 |
99 | Learning English Through Games Training for English Teachers at KKG Elementary School, Ngemplak District | 30 | 6 months | SDG's4 |
100 | Optimizing the Role of Teachers in Facing Puberty in the Global Era | 25 | 6 months | SDG's4 |
101 | Improving the Resilience of SD Muhammadiyah Sukonandi 1 Teachers in Distance Learning Activities with Training Stress Management | 30 | 6 months | SDG's4 |
102 | PKM Improving Family Food Security Through Aquaponic CultivationBudikdamber at Balai Sakinah 'Aisyiyah (BSA) Treko, Magelang Regency | 25 | 6 months | SDG's4 |
103 | Pkm Socialization and Domestic Violence Screening Through It-Based Applications at Kasihan I Health Center, Bantul Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
104 | Ibm Data Collection on Domestic Violence (Kdrt) Based on Applications at the Kasihan Health Center 1 | 20 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
105 | Ibm Training for Small Cadres in Reproductive Health | 30 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
106 | Ibm : Training on Handling and Counseling Victims of Violence against Women and Children for Motivators of Kekep Mothers in the Work Area of Kasihan I Community Health Center Bantul Yogyakarta Kasihanibantul Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
107 | Training for Young Cadres of Reproductive Health Muhammadiyah 01 Muntilan | 15 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
108 | Ibm Movement of Students Concerning Reproductive Health in Facing Menarche in Students of Sdn Demak Ijo I Gamping Sleman | 20 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
109 | Revitalizing Parenting and Reproductive Health for Young Mothers to Realize the Sakinah Family in the Community assisted by the Leader of 'Aisyiyah, Dukun sub-district, Magelang Regency, Central Java | 20 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
110 | PKM Innovation "Si Muka Kasep" Educational Game Application for Reproductive Health Education at Pik-R Man 2 Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
111 | Training on Handling and Counseling Victims of Violence against Women and Children for Motivators of Kekep Mothers in the Work Area of Kasihan I Health Center, Bantul, Yogyakarta | 35 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
112 | IbM Optimizing Healthy Reproduction for Adolescents at the Orphanage of Orphan Putri'Aisyiyah Ngampilan Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
113 | Street Posyandu: Initial reproductive health services for people in street situations | 30 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
114 | Healthy Reproduction, Great Teens! | 15 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
115 | IbM Pre-Marriage Preparation for Young Couples at the Religious Court of Wates Kulonprogo | 20 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
116 | Pkm Education for Early Sex Education for Adolescents in Cambahan Nogotirto . Hamlet | 30 | 6 months | SDG's5 |
117 | IbM Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pemberdayan Masyarakat Pembentukan Kader Kader Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Dusun Karnggayam Rw3, Mungkid Magelang | 20 | 6 bulan | SDG’s5 |
118 | Pkm Kader Pusat Kesehatan Panti (Puskespan) ‘Aisyiyah Dalam Menciptakan Generasi Perempuan Berkemajuan | 20 | SDG’s5 | |
119 | IbM Optimalisasi Program Desa Tangguh Bencana di Desa Poncosari Kecamatan Srandakan Kabupaten Bantul | 35 | 6 bulan | SDG’s9 |
120 | IbM Bimbingan Teknis Desain Pendopo Warga yang Ramah Lingkungan pada RT 02, Mayang, Gatak, Sukorejo | 20 | 6 bulan | SDG’s9 |
121 | Ibm Panduan Modifikasi Arsitektur Aman Bencana Di Bangunan Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah | 15 | 6 bulan | SDG’s9 |
122 | Pengenalan Sistem Tanggap Bencana Pada Komunitas Pemulung Mardiko Tpst Piyungan Bantul | 10 | 6 bulan | SDG’s9 |
123 | Pkm Re-Desain Arsitektur Sekolah SD Muhammadiyah Wonokromo, Pleret,Yogyakarta | 30 | 6 bulan | SDG’s9 |
124 | Penataan Ruang Masjid Al Amanah untuk Mendukung Kegiatan Ibu dan Anak diMasa Pandemik COVID-19 | 25 | 6 bulan | SDG’s9 |
125 | Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Desa Di Desa Girikerto, Kecamatan Turi, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta | 30 | 6 bulan | SDG’s11 |
126 | PKM Pembentukan Komunitas Masyarakat Pengolah Sampah Platik Kresek Menjadi Media Tanam di Desa Margomulyo Kecamatan Seyegan Kabupaten Sleman | 25 | 6 bulan | SDG’s12 |
127 | PKM Gerakan Kampung Ijo Melalui Pelatihan Pemilahan dan Pengolahan Sampah di Piyungan | 15 | 6 bulan | SDG’s12 |
128 | IbM Penyuluhan Dan Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sampah Organik Rumah Baca Komunitas, Kanoman, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman Melalui Proses Pengomposan | 20 | 6 bulan | SDG’s12 |
129 | Pkm Edukasi Lingkungan Melalui Pemanfaatan Limbah Botol Plastik Untuk Budidaya Sistem Hidroponik Di Mi Muhammadiyah Butuh, Kabupaten Magelang | 30 | 6 bulan | SDG’s12 |
130 | Pkm Penguatankomunitas Masyarakat Pengolah Sampah Plastik Kresek Menjadi Media Tanam Di Wilayah Sleman,Yogyakarta | 20 | 6 bulan | SDG’s12 |
131 | IbM Program pembibitan dan Edukasi Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Kebun Lintang Panglipuran | 25 | 6 bulan | SDG’s13 |
132 | IbM Pelatihan Kader Hijau Pelestari Lingkungan Di Kampung Nitikan Umbulharjo Kota Yogyakarta | 15 | 6 bulan | SDG’s13 |
133 | Penataan Administrasi Kelembagaan RT 14 Desa Brajan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul | 20 | 6 bulan | SDG’s16 |
- Health Architecture Center (HAC)
The Study Center, owned by UNISA Yogyakarta, is engaged in the field of Architecture with the main focus on Health Architecture. HAC collaborates with Industry partners and the world of work and government and organizations with a primary concentration on sustainable building planning and a sustainable environment. Some of the service products produced include Functional Eligibility Certification (SLF), Environmental Utilization and Environmental Management Documents (UKL-UPL) to building and area designs with the principles of Sustainable Architecture. - Bank Wakaf Mikro UNISA (BWM UNISA)
- HITS Software House (HITS)
HITS Software House is an IT consulting company in application development services and a provider of information technology solutions managed by UNISA Yogyakarta. The vision of HITS is an information technology solution with the main focus on Health-Based Information Systems with hospital industry partners, governments, and organizations.