Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
Green Campus

About Green Unisa Yogyakarta
Realizing a green campus concept does not only include a campus filled with green plants, but also includes the implementation and use of facilities that support the concept of sustainability
Go Green Campus
Setting and Infrastructure
Universitas ‘Aisyiyah (UNISA) Yogyakarta is a campus that stands on an area of 50696.07 square meters located in two different administrative areas. The first location is in the administrative area of Yogyakarta City.
Energy and Climate Change
UNISA Yogyakarta has installed LED lights in almost all areas to save energy since the building’s construction. Some areas such as Building C Block 1 UNISA and Rusunawa Building.
UNISA Yogyakarta has had water conservation techniques since initially building.
UNISA Yogyakarta conducts a program for recycling the generated waste through sorting according to its type between organic and non-organic waste by providing trash bins both inside and outside the building
Education and Research
Networking and Partnership
Local Network
Regional Network
International Network
Green UNISA Yogyakarta
Berita Utama
Barakallah, Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta kembali naik peringkat di pemeringkatan Internasional UIGM 2023!
UI GreenMetric adalah sebuah inisiatif yang berasal dari Universitas Indonesia (UI) yang bertujuan untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi kinerja keberlanjutan lingkungan universitas di seluruh dunia. Program ini diluncurkan pertama kali pada tahun 2010. Tujuan utama dari UI...
Ecobrick, UNISA Yogyakarta pecahkan Rekor MURI
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